I have been working with Kerrilyn since approximately 1998. I started working with her because I really liked her style of spending the time required to diagnose and treat her patients. She only works on one person at a time, which I found much more successful than the multi-room multi-patient approach I had experienced in the past. In approximately 2008 I had become extremely sick and no one knew what was wrong with me. Western medicine tested me for a myriad of illnesses all of which came back negative. Kerrilyn was able to pin point gall bladder issues along with a high level of heavy metals that were coming together to cause Candida and make me feel literally miserable. I was nauseous, tired all the time, itchy, anxious and generally felt pretty bad. I had to tell my western Dr I needed a gallbladder scan which she was reluctant to do because that was the last thing she had guessed. After asking her to palpate my gallbladder and she saw how painful it was to the touch she ordered the scan. The technician who did the scan said it looked like snow in there. My MD called me back in and said my gallbladder would need to be removed. I chose to go back to Kerrilyn and she put me on a regiment of gallbladder liver cleanses every 6 weeks for about a year. I was able to clear out a huge amount of very small stones or sludge that had been building up for no telling how long. After this process she started me on a regime of detoxifying from a high level of heavy metals that were the result of mercury fillings and their improper removal by a dentist without the appropriate equipment. That took about another year but the results are well worth the wait. The heavy metals had caused me an incredible amount of anxiety that has gone away and I can now live my life without worrying over stupid stuff all the time. I also saved thousands of dollars on gallbladder surgery and got to keep the little rascal to help digest my food for the rest of my life. I really do owe Kerrilyn a lot for figuring out what the MDs totally could not. Thanks Kerrilyn!!!
— --JJ Thompson, Artist
If someone told me that at age 39 I could become free from asthma after a lifelong dependency on my inhaler, I would never believe them. But maybe it’s not belief I’ve been looking for....maybe it’s just about trust.

I trust Dr. Kerrilyn Chew as my guide to freedom. Over the last year or two I’ve seen Kerrilyn for a variety of health issues. I never even brought up my annoyance at still having asthma because I’ve just accepted that it’s a part of my life. However over the last few months Dr Chew turned me onto medicated ozone oil breathing. She guided me through why it was beneficial to my lungs and inspired me to commit to it. She gave me the support and confidence to have something substitute my daily need for a chemical inhaler. I started doing it twice a day and after about a month and a half went down to once a day. I have been free from using any pharma/steroid inhalers now for 72 days!

I have never trusted a medical provider like I do with Kerrilyn. She is truly an advocate for my complete capacity to heal and I’m blessed to even get to work with her. If you are looking for a miracle cure to asthma, you’ve found her!

I met Dr. Kerrilyn Chew about 10 years ago after being recommended to her by my sister for treatment. I have worked with Kerrilyn a few times over that period of time on a multitude of different physical and emotional issues including migraines, thyroid dysfunction, severe joint pain and depression.

Each time I have worked with Kerrilyn there is such a high level of research, knowledge, partnership, and love that is put into finding out the true underlying issue. Kerrilyn does not just treat the symptom she uncovers the root cause, works to improve overall body function and builds a plan for well being and future prevention. Each session with Kerrilyn includes a full review of well being, partnership on the journey to health and many different treatments according to what you as an individual truly need. Kerrilyn’s style is so incredibly refreshing and always gives me a feeling of hope and positivity.

Up until working with Kerrilyn, I found it hard to find anyone that was willing to put the time and energy into truly helping me and for that I am so grateful. I would recommend Kerrilyn and her practice because Kerrilyn is a true healer and has an extraordinary passion for medicine and people.
— R. Mata
My name is Ken Kambeitz.  After I suffered from excruciating migraines for over 30 years, and having sought relief through a number of medical avenues, I discovered acupuncture from Dr. Kerrilyn Chew.  After a few treatments from her, my headaches left and have not returned to the present.  
       In addition to curing my headaches, Dr. Chew has helped me monitor other health issues over the subsequent 12 years. I truly enjoy her treatments because she employs several methodologies from her rich repertoire, and she is knowledgeable and professional, as well as sensitive and caring, encouraging me always to follow pathways to better health. 
       I had encountered good health care providers before, but none so thoroughly competent and compassionate as Dr. Chew.  I have recommended countless others to seek her help, as a result of the confidence I have in her.
— K. Kambeitz, Teacher
Dr. Kerrilyn Chew is an exceptional healer! Not only is she the best acupuncturist that I’ve experienced, but she has an intuitive understanding of the alchemy of the healing arts. She embodies compassion kindness, and an in-depth knowledge of her craft. I can honestly say she’s been like an angel aiding in the recovery from my recent major injury!
I would not hesitate to recommend her services.
— C. Free

I suffer from an autoimmune disease and was at a point where I became so disabled I was unable to work. I began to see Dr. Chew on a regular basis and within a year was feeling better and becoming more active. During the course of my illness, I have continued to see Dr. Chew and my disease is now in remission. My regular primary care physician admits that it is the “extra” care I have received from Dr. Chew that was responsible for the improvements in health and activity. He admits he could not do more than he had already done. I have reduced the number of medications I take by half and have become more active thanks to Dr. Chew.
— R.Gonzales N
About six years ago, I found myself bedridden for several weeks with vertigo, nausea, loss of appetite, and little energy, which required visits to several medical specialists. I searched for the cause of my health challenges. I decided to try a non-western approach in hope of addressing my situation, as well as for overall life-long health improvement; thus my initial experience with acupuncture.

Two months and two acupuncturists later, without any sign of relief, a friend suggested Dr. Kerrilyn Chew (DOM). After a couple of visits, I experienced great relief, and fell in love with my new doctor and her approaches. With great hope, I committed to long term treatment from Dr. Chew. To date, I feel much healthier and have not experienced any more episodes such as those I experienced six years ago. What a blessing!
My friends to whom I recommended to Dr. Chew all attest to her effectiveness. I believe her effectiveness is due to her well-rounded knowledge, vast experience, and professionalism. In addition, her personable nature and her genuine compassion and care for her patients leads to her relentless desire to improve her patients’ overall health.

I also appreciate the fact that before each treatment, she makes time to inquire about her patient’s current condition and follows through in regard to the previous treatment. Further, she never fails to explain the procedure and the process she will utilize for each treatment. At the end of each session, she shares new findings from her research, offering options and suggested readings for the patient’s consideration, while never imposing her ideas on a person. I have implemented many of her suggestions, and they work!
Thank you, Dr. Chew!
— F. Gulibert, PhD

On a trip to Santa Fe in 2004 , I was struggling with neck pain and stress. On my daughter’s recommendation, I was lucky enough to have two appointments with Kerrilyn, and it was the beginning of many to come. When I leave Kerrilyn, I am definitely not the same person that walked in . Kerrilyn has a gift for making her clients feel they are the most important person in her day. After a conversation, an assessment of what’s happening in my body, a massage and acupuncture, I always feel I would move to Santa Fe in order to see her every week instead of just on my visits to see my daughter and her family
— A. Guerin