Ozone Sauna

Sauna Therapy is an important part of any detoxification program. The sauna increases the eliminative, detoxifying and cleansing capacity of the skin by stimulation of the sweat glands.  The treatment promotes healthy skin tone and texture due to increased blood circulation. Using the Ozone Steam Sauna allows the steam to surround the body & infuse medical ozone through the skin. Humid heat opens the pores, allowing ozone to penetrate the skin to the bloodstream, where it can travel to the fat and lymph tissue. It is very important to cleanse the lymph tissue of toxins and the ozone sauna therapy is the easiest and most effective way to obtain optimal results.

Rising the body temperature results in the destruction of bacteria and viruses, combined with heavy sweating and a cleansing effect initiated by ozone will result in elimination of toxins accumulated mainly in the lymphatic system relieving the liver from the difficult task of processing them. Through the centuries, men and women have used steam to purify the skin, soothe sore muscles, boost circulation and to simply relax. The combined action of moist heat and ozone cleanse the lymphatic system, which carries 90% of the body’s fluids. Ozone brings oxygen to the tissues for enhanced health and vitality. Ozone Sauna Therapy is a natural, effective way to promote overall health and wellness.

Ozone Sauna Therapy Benefits:

  • Purge the body of accumulated toxins such as pesticides, PCBs, drugs and heavy metals

  • Dramatically increase oxygenation of the tissues and cells

  • Burn 400-600 calories per session

  • Stimulate the Immune System

  • Increase the White Blood Cell count

  • Increase circulation, oxygen and nutrient delivery within the body

  • Increase the distensibility of the Red Blood Cell so that it can squeeze through your tiny blood vessels into tissues

  • Boost cellular mediated immunity (part of the immune system)

  • Increase 2,3-DPG: Responsible for the blood’s ability to release oxygen in your tissues Increase tumor necrosis factor by up to 500 times.

    1 single sauna ~ $80

4 saunas package @ $70 per sauna

8 saunas package @ $60 per sauna

We always recommend booking a PEMF session before your sauna to increase circulation, activate cell wall permeability and optimize your health care routine.

Toxins on towel after 1 hour PEMF followed by 20 minutes in the Ozone Sauna.

Toxins on towel after 40 minutes PEMF and 10 minutes in the Ozone Sauna

Toxins released during 20 minute session. Person on a heavy metal detox-protocol prescribed by Dr. Chew

Toxins on towel after 30 minutes PEMF and 25 minutes in the Ozone Sauna