There is no therapy that is able to improve cellular oxygen utilization as well as ozone therapy.
— Frank Shallenberger, M.D., HMD, ABAAM


Major Effects Of Ozone

  1. Ozone stimulates the production of white blood cells. These cells protect the body from viruses, bacteria, fungi and cancer. If, deprived of oxygen, these cells malfunction. They fail to eliminate invaders and even turn against normal, healthy cells (allergic reactions). Ozone significantly raises the oxygen levels in the blood for long periods after ozone administration; as a result, allergies have a tendency to become desensitized.

  2. Interferon levels are significantly increased. Interferons are globular proteins. Interferons orchestrate every aspect of the immune system, inhibit viral replication.

  3. Ozone stimulates the production of Tumor Necrosis Factor. TNF is produced by the body when a tumor is growing. Ozone stimulates the secretion of IL-2. Interluekin-2 is one of the cornerstones of the immune system. It is secreted by T-helpers. T-helper causes it to produce more IL-2. Ozone’s main duty is to induce Lymphocytes to differentiate and proliferate, yielding more T-helpers, T-suppressors, cytotoxic T’s, T-delayed’s and T-memory cells.

  4. Ozone kills most bacteria at low concentrations. The metabolism of most bacteria is on average one-seventeenth as efficient as our own.

  5. Ozone is effective against all types of fungi. This includes systemic candida albicans, athlete’s foot, molds, mildews, yeasts, and even mushrooms.

  6. Ozone fights viruses in a variety of ways. As discussed above, ozone also goes after the viral particles directly.

  7. Ozone is antineoplastic. This means that ozone inhibits the growth of new tissue because rapidly dividing cells shift their priorities away from producing the enzymes needed to protect themselves from the ozone. Cancer cells are rapidly-dividing cells and are inhibited by ozone.

  8. Ozone oxidizes arterial plaque. It breaks down the plaque involved in both Arteriosclerosis and Arthrosclerosis.

  9. This means ozone has a tendency to clear blockages of large and even smaller vessels. This allows for better tissue oxygenation in deficient organs.

  10. Ozone increases the flexibility and elasticity of red blood cells.

High Dose Systemic Ozone: 1.5 hrs $250

This treatment is well known as the “10-Pass”, created by Dr. Johann Lahodny in Austria. He personally funded and thoroughly researched the effects of high dose systemic ozone on patients, measuring cell markers for immunity and stem cell production. He has, using the scientific model of a treated and a control group, shown that this treatment causes an “explosion” of immune cells and stem cell production. This treatment, usually given via an IV, removes the blood from the body & mixes the blood with O3 gas. The blood is then put back into the body for a total of 10 times. We offer the same systemic dose and concentration as the “10 Pass” without having to remove the blood. We do a “slow drip” of O3 gas applied rectally, which then goes systemically via the entero-hepatic circulation. This rectal-delivery method was personally shared by Dr. Lahodny himself at the AAOT conference in Denver in 2019 where Dr. Chew was in attendance. Given that IV 10-passes usually cost the patient $900-$1200 per session, we are offering the Wimberley community access to these same benefits at a fraction of the cost. We couple this treatment with PEMF, which opens the cell membranes so that more of systemic O3’s effects can more efficiently get inside the cell to the mitochondria.

Some practitioners, such as Peter Jovanovic PhD, (Hon.), MD, Founder and CEO of Ozone Research Group Inc. contend that it can even eliminate cyst forms of the Lyme disease organism, the main causative agent of Lyme disease relapses. Dr. Lahodny, the developer of the ten-pass method, recommends up to daily administrations of high dose ozone for up to a month for certain severe diseases. However, a person who is highly infected with Lyme disease organisms (or chronic mold) may not be able to tolerate this much therapy. Some other practitioners may give their patients as little as one treatment per week. So far, anecdotal reports from patients and practitioners indicate that those that have gone into remission from high dose ozone therapy have needed anywhere from about 10-30 treatments

High Dose Systemic Ozone takes from 1hr to 1.5 hours to deliver. The session is comfortable and the practitioner will be present for the duration of the treatment, offering bodywork, acupuncture and abdominal massage. For those with chronic issues, Dr. Lahodny recommends a series of 10 sessions over 5-10 weeks time. For those dealing with sever systemic infections or mitochondrial disfunction, we recommend 3-6 per week until the patient is out of the acute phase of disease.

Rectal Insufflation Series: regular dose systemic O3.

There are many benefits to the 2 minute systemic Ozone rectal insufflation. Most clinics offer M.A.H. Ozone which removes the patient’s blood and passes O3 gas through the blood and puts the blood back into the patient’s body. Our clinic prefers the same dosage and the same systemic O3 effects to be delivered in a 2 minute rectal insufflation done privately.




What is Rectal Ozone Insufflation?

This is one of the earliest forms of application in ozone therapy (Aubourg 1936). Based on animal investigations and a comprehensive proctologic study (Knoch et al. 1987), rectal insufflation with an O3/O2 gas mixture is increasingly being used as a systemic therapeutic form, and is already being viewed as an alternative to MAH (Ozone blood treatments introduced via IV). It is the method of choice in pediatrics.

Rectal Ozone insufflation is the introduction of ozone gas into the rectum & sigmoid colon through an ozone syringe and a tiny tube (catheter). The procedure takes less than 2 minutes and is painless.

What are some of the Indications for rectal ozone insufflation?


  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

  • Chronic Constipation

  • Unexplained Diarrhea

  • Candidiasis

  • SIBO

  • Parasitic Infections

  • Ulcerative Colitis & Chron's Disease

  • Proctitis

  • Anal fistulae and fissures


  • Peripheral arterial circulatory disturbance

  • General immune deficiency

  • Cerebral circulatory disturbance (poststroke)

  • Ocular circulatory disturbances (retinopathies)

  • Inner ear circulatory disturbances (acute hearing loss (AHL), tinnitus)

  • Diabetic angiopathy in particular

  • Hepatitis B and C

  • Herpes simplex, herpes zoster

  • As complementary therapy in general asthenia, geriatric and environmental medicine

  • Complementary concept in oncology

  • Chronic inflammatory processes in orthopedics and rheumatology


• Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency (favism, acute hemolytic anemia)

  • Hyperthyroidism if not controlled

  • The first 3 months of pregnancy

How does the Ozone therapy treat Systemic Problems?

The Ozone gas is absorbed through the rectal veins and diffuses through the soft tissues of the lower colon.  The ozone is then immediately taken up through the veins and transported to the liver and gradually to the entire circulation.

Is Rectal ozone painful?

The application is painless, simple, and practically free of adverse reactions when dosages are strictly adhered to. Rectal insufflation is scientifically founded (see the links to numerous studies on this page) and is highly recommended. Rectal O3 insufflation is being increasingly used in pediatrics, sports medicine, geriatrics, and as a complementary method in oncology & veterinary medicine.

Who performs the Insufflation Therapy?

You perform the insufflation in private with a catheter and syringe specially prepared for your condition and dosage. You will first be guided through the process and all of your questions will be answered beforehand. You will see how simple and easy it is to upgrade your cellular systemic oxygen and upgrade your health.  

How many treatments will I need and at what frequency?

The number and frequency varies with the severity of your condition, age, and your overall health status.  The frequency can be as often as daily to several times per week for a few weeks or months.  Many chronic conditions will need up to 20 insufflations over 4-6 week period. There may be other recommendations prescribed depending on the individual’s condition.

Sinus Insufflations for sinus infections

1 set of bilateral insufflations   $25 

5 sets of bilateral insufflations $115

Ozone Therapy is one of the best remedies to heal tight junctions and the mucus associates lymphatic tissue which is in your mouth, sinus infections, tonsils, skin, etc. Sinus insufflations will occur in-office and require a 5-10 minute appointment. Repeat daily until the infection is gone. One may consider following up with ozonated oils.

Vaginal Insufflations

In vaginal ozone therapy, a cannula (thin tube) is used to introduce medical ozone gas into the vagina. It works because Medical Ozone has anti-bacterial , anti-viral and anti-fungal effects on unhealthy cells associated with the problem. It also sets off a process in the local tissue mitochondria that increases oxygen utilization.

1 set of insufflations   $25 

5 sets of insufflations $115

10 sets of insufflations $200

What conditions benefit from Vaginal Ozone?

  • Yeast, bacterial and viral vaginal infections

  • Unexplained pain in or around the vagina

  • Labia pain

  • Pain with intercourse

  • Pelvic Pain

    How frequent are the treatments?
    Usually, 2-3 times per week until the problem abates.

    Is Vaginal Ozone Therapy painful?
    No. There is no pain or pressure buildup with Ozone.  If you experience any discomfort the doctor will lower your dose.

    How long does it take to perform?
    Treatment time is usually 5 - 10 minutes.

 Limb bagging or DERMOZONE $50

Dermozone refers to the method of isolating a body part by surrounding it with a medical wrap or "bag" (such as a hand, arm, leg, foot, torso, pelvis, but NEVER head), and introducing ozone to PROMOTE WOUND HEALING of the skin tissue.

What is DERMOZONE used for?

  • Gangrene

  • Bed sores 

  • Skin infections 

  • Diabetic Foot Ulcers

  • Burns

  • Resistant Skin Wounds

How does the DERMOZONE work to heal the skin problem?

The ozone kills any bacteria, viruses, fungus, or molds infecting the open wound, increase blood flow to the wound, and stimulates the healing process and tissue oxygenation. It has been documented that many body parts have been spared amputation through the application of ozone by this method.

How is the DERMOZONE applied?

The bag is placed around or over the affected area, the output tube from the ozone generator is placed through the top of the bag, and the top sealed as effectively as possible. Ozone at the desired concentration must first be humidified (bubbled through water) and then enters the bag; the ozone generator constantly runs during this treatment.

How long is the treatment time?

Treatment times vary depending on the type of wounds being treated but typically range from 10 - 30 minutes. 

How many treatments and at what frequency will I need?

The number of treatments varies with the severity of your condition, age and other health problems.  The treatment can be from daily to several times per week.  

Can I receive other Oxidative therapies on the same day as Dermozone?

Yes, that is common and recommended to stimulate the immune system.

Does DERMOZONE hurt or burn?
No, there is no pain, burning or agitation of your condition during Dermozone therapy.


Yes, it is safe and effective.  It has a long history, particularly in Europe, of use for skin and wound healing, when correctly applied.

Ozone Sauna Please see our OZONE SAUNA page

Dr. Chew is a certified Ozone Therapist who mentored with Dr. Frank Shallenberger